Earthquaker Devices Transmisser

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Earthquaker devices transmisser. What s up space ragers. The earthquaker devices transmisser resonant reverberator pedal http bit ly 2cnf9by helps eqd continue their legacy of sonic exploration. We make effects pedals by hand in akron ohio usa. It is a blazar for musical instruments.
He transmisser is a modulated reverb with extra long decay fed to a highly resonant filter. It features a three knob reverb control section with parameters for decay tail length freq low pass filter frequency and darkness reverberated overtones along with a three knob modulation section with controls for rate modulation speed warp. Use the form on the right to contact us. The transmisser is a modulated reverb with extra long decay fed to a highly resonant filter.
Every single earthquaker devices pedal is hand built hand tested and guaranteed for life. Official website for earthquaker devices. Current digital signal processing technology now allows pedal manufacturers to create studio quality reverbs that evoke the spirit of classic springs plates concert halls and caverns. But earthquaker devices transmisser takes a somewhat different direction it s more likely to evoke the spirit of questionable mushrooms or a hangover in outer space.
It is the sonic recreation of blowing your signal to bits shooti. You can edit the text in this area and change where the contact form on the right submits to by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right.